Title: Awaking of the buddha within
Author: Lama Surya Das
Genre: Buddhism- Tibetan
If you’re seeking practical guidance for cultivating mindfulness and awakening your inner Buddha nature, look no further than Lama Surya Das’s “Awakening of the Buddha Within.” In this book, Surya Das draws on his extensive knowledge of Buddhist teachings to offer readers a path towards greater inner peace, happiness, and wisdom.
Lama Surya Das, a highly trained American lama in the Tibetan tradition, presents an all-encompassing guide to the wisdom of Buddhism in his book, “Awakening the Buddha Within.” With a focus on practicality, Das offers readers a nonsectarian and definitive path to spiritual transformation that is accessible to modern-day seekers.
One of the core messages of Buddhism is that we all possess the wisdom, awareness, love, and power of the Buddha within us. However, most of us are like sleeping Buddhas, unaware of our true potential. Through a combination of wisdom, ethics, and meditation training, Das shows readers how to awaken to their true nature and live a mindful, compassionate life.
Central to Surya Das’s teachings is the concept of “Buddha nature,” the inherent potential for enlightenment that exists within all of us. Through a combination of meditation, mindfulness, and other spiritual practices, readers can learn to tap into this inner Buddha nature and experience a profound transformation in their lives.
The book explores the key principles of karma, rebirth, letting go, and conscious living and dying, as well as the ultimate mystical teaching of Tibet, Dzogchen. Through lively language, meditations, and spiritual practices, Das illuminates the traditional Noble Eight-Fold Path and its Three Enlightenment Trainings, which are common to all schools of Buddhism.
One of the strengths of this book is its ability to bridge the gap between East and West, past and present, and provide a comprehensive understanding of Buddhist teachings that is relevant to today’s world. Das also emphasizes the importance of integrating sacred wisdom, contemplative practice, and altruism into our daily lives, whether it be in our relationships, workplace, or home.
Overall, “Awakening the Buddha Within” is an invaluable and authoritative text that is suitable for both novice and experienced students of Buddhism. With its practical and transformative guidance, readers can cultivate clear vision, insight, and inner understanding, as well as compassion, self-discipline, and mindfulness. For anyone seeking a meaningful and fulfilling life, this book is a must-read.

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