Book Review: Taking the Path of Zen by Robert Aitken



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Title: Taking the Path of Zen

Author: Robert Aitken

Genre: Buddhism Zen

“Taking the Path of Zen” by Robert Aitken is a classic introduction to Zen Buddhism that provides a clear and concise overview of the practice. As a long-time Zen practitioner and teacher, Aitken offers a wealth of knowledge and insight into the history, philosophy, and techniques of Zen, making this book an ideal starting point for anyone interested in exploring this spiritual path.

One of the strengths of the book is Aitken’s ability to explain complex concepts in a simple and accessible way. He avoids the jargon and technical language that can sometimes make Zen seem impenetrable to beginners, instead focusing on the practical aspects of the practice. Aitken’s emphasis on meditation as the foundation of Zen is particularly helpful, and he provides clear instructions on how to establish a daily meditation practice.

“Taking the Path of Zen” offers a valuable historical perspective on Zen Buddhism, tracing its origins in China and Japan and its evolution in the West. Aitken provides a detailed analysis of the various schools and lineages of Zen, including their similarities and differences, which helps to give readers a more nuanced understanding of the practice. Moreover, the book includes a helpful glossary of Zen terms and a list of further reading, making it a useful resource for anyone looking to explore Zen in more depth.

Another key feature of “Taking the Path of Zen” is its emphasis on the importance of ethics in Zen practice. Aitken makes it clear that Zen is not just about achieving personal enlightenment, but also about cultivating compassion and wisdom in our relationships with others. This focus on ethical conduct sets Zen apart from other forms of spirituality and is one of the reasons why it has such a strong appeal to many people today.

In terms of writing style, Aitken’s prose is clear and engaging, with a relaxed, conversational tone that makes the book easy to read. He uses anecdotes and personal stories to illustrate key points, which helps to bring the teachings to life and make them more relatable. At the same time, his writing is always grounded in the tradition of Zen, and he never strays too far from the core principles of the practice.

If there is one criticism of “Taking the Path of Zen” it is that some readers may find it a bit light on details. Aitken covers a lot of ground in a relatively short book, and some topics are not explored in as much depth as they could be. However, this is a minor quibble, and overall, the book provides an excellent introduction to Zen that will be of value to anyone interested in exploring this fascinating spiritual path.

In conclusion, “Taking the Path of Zen” is a well-written and informative book that offers a clear and accessible introduction to Zen Buddhism. With its emphasis on meditation and ethics, it provides a practical and engaging roadmap for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice.

Highly recommended Taking the Path of Zen” by Robert Aitken is a must-read for anyone interested in Zen Buddhism, meditation, and spiritual growth. Buy the book by click in the link scattered trough out the post

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